efficiency and quality
of project objectives
With a multidisciplinary consortium such as ARDAT, the management structure must ensure focused and integrated collaborative work across the consortium. As such, we have a detailed strategy for project management, governance, and communication. Formally Pfizer until August 2024, Spark Therapeutics is project lead, whilst the project is coordinated by the University of Sheffield and managed by Pharmacoidea Ltd.
Professor Mimoun Azzouz is Chair of Translational Neuroscience at The University of Sheffield's Department of Neuroscience in the Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SiTraN). He is an ERC Advanced Investigator and Director of the new Gene Therapy Innovation and Manufacturing Center (GTIMC) based in Sheffield. Prof. Azzouz has achieved international pre-eminence in the field of gene therapy applications and vector development for neurodegenerative diseases. He is currently leading a rich pipeline of gene therapy projects at various stages of pre-clinical and clinical development. His track record of translational research productivity is characterized by publications in top ranking scientific journals and patents.
project lead
Dr Tim Hickling, representing Spark Therapeutics, is an Expert Scientist in Roche’s Pharma Research and Early Development group. He has >15 years of experience in the biopharmaceutical industry. The majority of his work has been in unwanted immune responses to a range of biologics and gene therapies. In his current role Dr Hickling leads teams to assess and overcome risks for developing new medicines. Previously he has worked to develop vaccines and researched virology. He holds a PhD in immunology and degree in Biochemistry from the University of Oxford.
As a scientist, Dr. Letoha exploits heparan-sulfate proteoglycans' therapeutic potential and published several publications and patents in the field. As an entrepreneur, Dr. Letoha manages the business and scientific aspects of his company, Pharmacoidea, now serving as a managing entity for ARDAT. Previous participation in R&D projects funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative proves that Dr. Letoha has hands-on knowledge of managing complex drug discovery projects, as required by ARDAT.
Project Manager
Dr Rachel Waller has over 10 year’s experience in academic research having completed her PhD at The University of Sheffield in 2014. Rachel advanced here career managing and conducting various research projects focussed on neurodegenerative diseases, transcriptomics and neuropathology and has published several publications in the field. Dr Waller joined the ARDAT project in August 2024.”